
Monday, 11 January 2016

A practical skirt

The best thing about a new sewing machine is that even the most practical sewing project is exciting! I'm not saying that a useful skirt is not exciting but it does not have the great fabric and flounce I am used to in my endless array of dresses. Having said that, this practical, everyday skirt has been fun for other reasons.
Firstly I have enjoyed my new machine's endless array of presser feet but especially this one - presser foot number 5!

This foot is awesome at sewing super close to the edge for that beautiful edge stitch.... I love it! Not to get all sewing machine nerdy on you but there was nothing worse than trying to execute edge stitching and ending up with a wonky, wavering sewing line - nothing says "HANDMADE!" (and not in the good way) like a line of wonky sewing. Check out the results - the bottom line of stitching, not the top ones, I will talk about them in a bit.

This picture actually brings me to the next thing I am loving about my new machine - the different stitches. I am making a jean skirt so, what better than to use the jean stitch (yep, there is one)

And those, top two rows of stitching in the photo above - yep, jean stitching or stitch #6.

After all that, how's the skirt going? Well almost done. Just a few more adjustments before the final taadaa and reveal of project #1. I've already got my head around the next project... Why have one skirt, when you can have two!

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